How to make website mobile friendly in WordPress

Nowadays, it’s must to have mobile support for your website. With the upsurge of smartphones and tablets in the market, website administrator can no longer ignore traffic coming from mobile devices. As by design the screen of mobile devices is very small compared to that of computers, it is a better idea to have altogether a different theme for mobile devices. For this we need to detect if a user is using a mobile and then accordingly display a different theme to him/her. Fortunately, there are many plugins available to do this task.

We can use WPTouch WordPress to support mobile devices for our blog. Follow the steps given below:

  • Log in to WordPress Dashboard.
  • Then from the left sidebar, go to Plugins -> Add New.
  • Search for WPTouch as shown below:
  • In the search results, locate WPTouch row and click on Install Now link.
  • Enter your FTP login details for your web server.
  • The plugin will be downloaded to your web server. Click on Activate Plugin link.
  • After this you will see the following message upon activation.
  • Go to Settings -> WPTouch.
  • Change the WPTouch settings. Here, I have changed the site title.
  • Save the settings. That's it! On mobile device your blog will look like this: